Employee Training Tips – Giving Feedback During Reviews
Employee Training Tips – Giving Feedback During Reviews
Training Tips from one of our human resource seminars in Florida :
The supervisors who are proactive in discussing performance throughout the year (and actually refer to the review document) are those who are true leaders and respected by their employees. The supervisors who simply rush through the review, and give little thought to the document are those who are not respected by their employees. They are also the supervisors who have a tough time at year end when it comes time to handle the confrontation with employees who haven’t seen good leadership all year long.
This blog offers some great employee training tips from one of the human resource seminars in Florida offered by RPC. RPC is an HR consulting firm that helps employers teach their managers “people skills” and provides a wide array of employee training and HR courses in Florida and throughout the U.S. They specialize in working with small to medium-size employers.
The performance review discussion is really not that much different than 1:1 conversations that a leader holds throughout the year. The very same What/What/Why Feedback Formula is what to follow. (To learn about the feedback formula, contact us at info@rpchr.com )
The key difference in review discussions is that the stakes are higher. Annual compensation is usually tied to the review and the performance ratings carry significant weight in future promotional decisions.
When planning for a performance review discussion the first thing to consider is the location. A review is considered a serious matter to the employee; yet it is many times considered a paperwork exercise for a supervisor. If a location that is noisy and full of distractions is chosen to deliver reviews, it may as well not even be delivered at all. The point of delivering a performance review is to drive improvement in performance-not create animosity, resentment, or confusion. Yet, some supervisors deliver reviews at the last minute, in public locations with other employees within earshot, or even over the phone to “just get it done.” All of these are poor excused for leadership!
Some good locations: conference room, a local café or coffee shop that offers privacy such as a rear booth, or a park with tables that offers privacy. It is not a good idea to deliver performance reviews in the supervisor’s office. The mere notion of an employee going to “the boss’s office” raises anxiety. To minimize the anxiety, choose a neutral location with which to hold the discussion.
Key point: Supervisors, who are truly leaders, are the ones who recognize that success is predicated on the success of those who work for them.
After choosing a good location to meet with the employee for the review, the supervisor needs to plan for the actual discussion. Often, supervisors are rushed and simply sit down to “deliver” the review to the employee with little thought to how the employee may respond to the ratings and comments. This “fly by the seat of one’s pants” approach leads to employee resentment and ultimately organizational dysfunction. Remember, the review is a time when feedback is given on how an individual-a human being who also happens to be a company asset-has performed during the year. With that perspective in mind, it is obvious that the employee will be hanging on every word of feedback that will be shared by the supervisor. So, preparation is the key.
Performance Review Preparation Steps, taken from one of our management training seminars in Florida :
1. Make sure ratings given are accurate measures of the employee’s performance. Talk with other supervisors about your employees to gain their perspective.
2. If ratings are circled as meeting expectations in areas the employee is clearly not performing-this is called “sugar coating.”
3. When circling ratings that are above expectations, document the specifics of what the employee did that warrants the rating. Conversely, if a below expectations rating is given, document the feedback in the What/What/Why format.
4. Document the specifics regarding the employee’s strengths and opportunities for improvement.
5. Know the company’s “big picture”‘ goals for upcoming review period. Document on the review how the employee’s will contribute to the goals and document the individual employee goals.
6. Prepare performance improvement plans, if necessary, to accompany the review. If a 1-rating is given that signifies significantly below expectations in areas other than just attendance/tardiness-it is the supervisor’s responsibility to develop a plan to get the employee’s performance up to standard.
7. Think about what YOU have accomplished during the review period and what you feel are YOUR opportunities for improvement. Be prepared to share these with your employee during the discussion. By sharing your strengths and opportunities, you’ll put them at ease in sharing theirs. This is a significant step toward building more solid, trusting relationships with direct reports.
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